Friday, September 5, 2014

Studying Meter

As we move through our introduction to music in my ICC Seminar, we have begun studying the meter and rhythm in songs. At first, training my ear to listen to the time signature was a bit difficult. I wasn't used to it. Quickly I caught on... and I remembered a great song that has a bizarre time signature. 

The song 'Take Five' is a widely popular song, by and incredibly influential American jazz artist named Dave Brubeck. It's one of my favorite jazz songs and through this study of time signature, I figured out why I like it so much. When I started listening to music for this assignment, I knew I should start with jazz because I love how it can be smooth, funky, and almost always catchy. I knew I was a huge fan of the more upbeat and complicated sounding songs, but I didn't know what that meant until I started reading the time signature of a few songs. A lot of songs were 4/4, 4/8, some 5/8, and they really just weren't my speed (literally). When I got to 'Take Five' and counted it, I was really confused for a second. I read it as a 5/4 meter and I had to count it a few times before I confirmed that that was it's time signature. Then I thought... "Take Five" and 5/4! It all made sense. 

The song opens with a snare drum before bringing in the piano that plays with Dave Brubeck's famous 5/4 timing. Quickly, the saxophone joins. Hearing all 3 of the instruments at once is really what brings it all together. I have heard this song played many times on guitar and bass, but the saxophone/drum/piano is really how it sounds best. After a while, the saxophone fades and the drum gets louder, adding a lot of cymbal play, and it somewhat seems like a drum solo, all while the piano stays steady. This goes on for about two minutes until the drums soften, and the saxophone joins again. 

I think studying music like this is making me gain more of an appreciation for the way artists think. This is the first time I've ever gone so in depth with music and I am really enjoying it. Dave Brubeck will remain one of my favorite jazz musicians as I explore the complexity of his sound.

1 comment:

  1. I have a huge appreciation for jazz after trying to learn it on guitar. This song is "smooth", as you say, and complex with rhythm. It makes you want to tap your feet and snap your fingers. I like that you picked a jazz song with a meter we haven't really looked at much in class. I also liked that you used the name of the song to back up your identification of the meter, I wouldn't have even guessed it! Great explanation and thought.
